Saturday, March 24, 2012

Being newly engaged!

Today is March 24th and it is now exactly two months and five days since my wonderful man popped the question. I'd love to divulge the details of how it all went down but I assure you it was very us, thoroughly 'adorkable' and marvelously private!

It's hard to believe two months have passed! Yesterday after I came home from a stressful day at the office he out-of-character-ly asked to go for a nice walk and for a split second a little cloud shaped thought bubble appeared over my head with the words "Oh god, what if today is the day he proposes" embossed in an awful font. It's odd how it still feels so new to me!

Being engaged has so far been an enjoyable experience, I'm finding myself consistently and pleasantly shocked by the generosity and love of others. I'm very blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people but we'll leave the cheese for the afters food...

Things I've done since getting engaged:
* Got a big, scary, beautiful diamond on my finger!
* Picked a date!
* Told my parents (instant tears), his parents (instant glee), our friends (instant applause).
* Realised that planning a wedding is an expensive and difficult affair.
* Drastically depleted my waning productivity at work by spending too much time searching for 'inspiration'.
* Viewed a few venues, loved one (the expensive one), hated another (it had a fat cat) and meh'd the last one.
* Planned further viewings with lovely people!
* NOT LOST WEIGHT! This is a rather difficult one to admit, I am well aware that I've put weight on over the past few years, and always believed that once I 'got a ring on it' that it'd all melt away in a frenzy of fitness and bridal magic, but so far I've done nothing, nada, zip to aid the process.
* Come to the realisation that I'll never please everyone with my wedding plans, so I'm only going to please myself.
* Decided that I love weddings!

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